Sunday, 20 July 2014

Self-inflicted Problems

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum...

Well, actually, it was on the way to registering myself as available for relief teaching.  Those following some of my previous posts will be aware that I effectively retired from teaching last December, at the end of the 2013 Queensland school year.  Technically I retired on 25 April 2014, following six weeks of summer vacation and almost three months of long-service leave.  A few days after my official retirement Fay and I ventured out overseas to visit kith and kin in the UK and to get in some birding.

It had always been my intention to take up "relief teaching" on our return to Australia; a day here,  a day there at a few selected schools in the immediate South Burnett area.  I had the appropriate paperwork needed to be employed on a contract basis; this had to be presented to individual schools to inform them of my availability.

I walked into my former school on the morning of Tuesday 10 June; I walked out with a six-month teaching contract effective from 14 July [second semester].

Don't ask; it's a long story.

The ramifications are spread wider than I had anticipated.  Among the earliest casualties is my ability to blog on a regular basis. 

This is not a surrender, merely an explanatory note to readers as to why up until mid-December 2014 postings will tend to be few and far between.  Thereafter I WILL retire.

On the other hand, yesterday, while returning from a little local birding [along the sub-station track off Neumgna Road], we had glorious views of a Little Eagle Hieraaetus morphnoides.